
Hi There!

Welcome to Sailing The Far Side! This is Sascha and Nathalie and we will be traveling through the Eastern Caribbean and beyond documenting life, helping each other and others understand the world we live in!

Fate or Meant to Be

Fate or Meant to Be

What happens when fate hits? Do we always know when something is supposed to happen, do must of us even realize it? Even looking back I realize that things just happened the way they happen. I didn't know that bad things could lead to good things, or the other way around, but this last year of my life has really made me look back. 

I have had some misfortunes that have set me back in swimming, physically and mentally. Through it all, I have realized that maybe some of these bad things have just allowed me to appreciate the good things that I can still experience. Maybe it was fate that allowed me to have this understanding, maybe it's just something that was meant to be. 

The people we meet, the people we haven't, or those we just haven't run into yet, could be all part of what we are or aren't ready for. Are we meant to meet our soulmate now, or later in life. Are we mean't to meet our best friend while in school or our first job after graduation, or even at your favorite local bar. Who knows if the stranger you bumped while crossing the street or the person you held the door for, could have a big impact on your life. Good things do come around, you just have to believe it. 

You could have it in your mind a career path, that you think you will follow for the rest of your life. The career that you have dreamed of could lead to one that you are meant to follow. The person you are with, could be the person who leads you to the one you are supposed to be with for the rest of your life. Life is all about the chances and opportunites you take, but also the opportunities and chances you don't take. Declining an offer could open up doors to even better ones. Sometimes not taking a chance is the chance you are supposed to take. 

Could be fate, could be you living your life, could be meant to be. You never know until you live the way you want to live.

The Smart Route

The Smart Route

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