Good Vibes, Good Times, Make Sure You Do It Right
Growing up in Florida I can’t say that I have ever spent so much time in Miami as I did this past weekend. Through a spur of the moment decision, me and my best friend decided to go to Miami Ultra. Good friends, good vibes, good times.
Ultra is a music festival that travels all over the world, through countries and continents bringing people who love music and vibes together. Now these things aren't for everyone but there are ways to make sure you have a good time anyway. Just like traveling to different countries, there are the do’s and the don’ts to festival going. I know that most people will go to these things for reasons that shouldn't be discussed, but for most it is to be surrounded by positive energy and happiness for a weekend, and to escape all other thoughts.
The setup of Ultra created an ambiance of music everywhere; just separated enough to tell which DJ was playing where. But it was very, very crowded, thousands of people all in one place, it can get a little crazy. So i’ll say this, always say excuse me, don't push through too hard, many of the people are not paying attention, just be nice and spread good vibes and you will be helped out by those around you.
Music brings people together
Festivals are where you can make new friends just by where you stand, or where you sit. Whether its right in front of the stage or in the way back where you can feel the beat while sitting on the ground, people will never fail to say hello.
I am one of those people. I will come up to you all smiles, give you a high five, give you a hug if you want it, just vibe. Good energy attracts me to the most wonderful people.
I met 3 groups alone who live just miles from me in NY, and a couple groups close to me in Florida. Out of thousands of people I meet those that live closest to me.
On the first day we met our rave group at the main stage. My rave bestie, who I went to the festival with, and I were just dancing and I got a tap on my shoulder. These guys behind us were offering their keliedescope glasses. I happily grabbed them to look at the stage with. And that was the start of our friendship. For the next couple days we would meet up and walk around.
Its all about the vibes and the energy you put off; can determine whether you will be approached by people you like.
Now after a day or dancing and running around I did not want to do any more or that, but the organizers of ultra decided otherwise. The buses after the day ended were a mess, Bri and I ended up walking home.
For me it was a good 5 mile walk to get home every night, even though there were buses taking people home, the line was longer than it would take me to walk. After 9 hrs of dancing it was a rough one.
My Rave Bestie for Life
Some of the necessities for a festival are water pack, hat, sunglasses, phone charger, and the numero uno is a fan. When the sun goes down and everyone packs into the space in front of the stage, the heat gets real. A fan can help anyone who needs a little bit of air circulation, and it can sure help anyone who forgot to fill up their water.
God I love festivals, even though they last about 36 hrs, those 36 hrs can really raise some spirits.