
Hi There!

Welcome to Sailing The Far Side! This is Sascha and Nathalie and we will be traveling through the Eastern Caribbean and beyond documenting life, helping each other and others understand the world we live in!

The Next Step

The Next Step

Graduation from college, the last push into reality, for those who don't immediately move on to grad school, and the realization that the mostly carefree life from freshmen to senior year is over. Time to be an adult. Time to do what we have prepared for our whole lives.

I think that my story is a little bit different from most. I went to school in Brooklyn, NY on a full ride scholarship, through academics and swimming. For 15 years, I trained and dedicated myself to the sport and that scholarship was endgame. For 18 years, I would push myself to study harder and apply myself to everything I could throughout school. The outcome for both, a scholarship for my swimming, the academic money I would receive, made it all worth it. Just one thing that allowed my 4 years at Long Island University Brooklyn to be a little less stressful. 

Starting off with the idea that I would graduate with a Political Science degree, the first class for that route made me rethink my path. I discussed with my parents and my advisors and decided that Journalism would be a better fit, intensive in reading and writing, for what my interests were. Journalism helped me explore the idea to start this blog, to view my photography with a different eye, a deeper one, and to re-think somewhat about what I would do when school ended. 

Anyways, here I am a graduate with a Bachelors degree in Journalism and Media Arts concentration in photography, and not much of an endgame. I learned throughout my stay in NYC that my insight into my future and where I would end up were not set in stone. While walking in the city one day, I saw this quote on a bus stop, “New York is for people who can see into their future. They can see infinity.” I wasn't that person who knew what I was going to do for the next 10 years, let alone what I would do by the end of the day. It all just happened, or I made it happen when I knew what I wanted to do. Decisions are not my forte but when I know I want to do something, I do it. 

Graduating is scary for most, they don't know what they will do, who they will work for, where they will end up, but there are some who know the answer to all of those questions. Those are the lucky ones, or the ones who have planned it out. Let me tell you though there is time, or so I have been told by several people. Go out and explore, go see what you really love, figure out if the path you are on is really the one you want to spend your whole life taking. 


So far, I have decided that I will take the GRE, and study for the LSAT’s and if those go well who knows, law school? BUT for now, I will apply for those internships that I probably will never hear from, and keep searching for the answer to my future (which I don't plan on finding for a while), and preparing for my year long trip with my sister. But thats for another post, for now I just want to say I am not scared, but curious to see how things end up for myself, because right now its all up in the air. 

Sailing to Key West!

Sailing to Key West!

Good Vibes, Good Times, Make Sure You Do It Right

Good Vibes, Good Times, Make Sure You Do It Right