Patterns in Life
Patterns. Most people when they think of that word, shapes and things that come one after the other come to mind. Whether they are in nature, math, science, and art, they are all repeated in a sequence. A sequence that is organized or even chaotic.
Organized and Chaotic
Chaos, the center of most of our lives. I mean who even has an organized life anymore. Anything can happen at anytime, any time of day, during any activity, anything. To think about that is kind of scary, but it also makes you think about what patterns exist in your life. If any. What organization exists in your day to day vigor, organization that exists even if you don't even know it.
Recently a friend has helped me figure out that organization does happen in my life. A life that is in most ways hectic and chaotic in its own way, even if many people don't see it that way. I used to think that everything with me was "go with the flow", that everything that happened wasn't planned, or expected. But really my own mind was doing whatever it wanted.
I mean hearing and learning things like this really make you think about patterns in your life, many of them. What you do and act upon without even realizing it. Yes, sometimes they are good things, but isn't it good to mix it up every now and then? Like many have said to me before, a change in pace and scenery can do someone good.
If you are reading this, really think about it, the patterns in your life. What do you do constantly without realizing it. Do you say yes or no to things that you would rather say the opposite too, just because. Do you give up opportunities more than once because they aren't whats best for everyone, are there things you see that you automatically react to without knowing? Making yourself aware of this could help you make better decisions, or even make events in your life more enjoyable.
This is something that really made me wonder what else there is in my life. What things I do without knowing, what my body tells me even if I don't hear it.